Friday, January 29, 2016

Principal's Message

Dear Canyon View Families,

School Registration For Next Year
Even though it is the end of January, we are already beginning the planning process for the 2016-2017 school year. In an effort to make the annual school registration process as streamlined and user friendly as possible, this year’s registration will completed be online. We anticipate that the online registration process will begin the week of February 8, 2016. Once Online Registration is available, parents/guardians will receive a message through the ParentVUE portal in Synergy. The message will contain a link that connects to the 2016-2017 registration page. The link will also be available on the district and school websites under the Express Lane and will be titled “Register for School.” Additionally, Kinder Plus registration is being accepted in the Canyon View front office. I encourage you to complete the online registration for each of your children as early as possible. The number of students enrolled determines the number of teachers assigned to teach at Canyon View. Please contact our office at 209-7701 to help you with the registration process if needed.

Science Fair
Tuesday, February 9 is the first day of our annual Science Fair.  Classes will be viewing the various projects Tuesday-Thursday of that week, and we will be hosting the Science Fair Recognition Ceremony on Thursday, February 11 at 6:00 p.m. in the MPR.  We are definitely looking forward to seeing our young scientists’ projects!

Open Houses & Tours
On February 1st & 15th at 2:00 PM, Canyon View will be hosting our two Kinder Show & Tells.  Parents who have an incoming kindergarten student(s) are invited to attend our Open Houses to learn more about the kindergarten programs offered at Canyon View.  Please call 209-7701 to make your reservation.  We are currently accepting Kinder Plus applications, so if you are interested in the full day program please do not wait to submit your application as space is limited and is on a first come first served basis.

Additionally, Canyon View will be hosting our next two Open Houses for prospective Open Enrollment families on Wednesday, February 3 at 8:30 AM and Monday, February 22 at 3:30 PM.  If you know of any families who are interested in learning more about what Canyon View has to offer their children, please pass this important information along to them.  To RSVP for the Open Houses, or to schedule a small group/individual tour, please call 209-7701.  As a reminder, current Open Enrollment families must reapply each year between December 1st and February 29th.  Open Enrollment applications are available online at  

Have a wonderful weekend!

Rob Henikman


Online Registration for CFSD



The Catalina Foothills School District (CFSD) is excited to announce that Online Registration will be available for the 2016-2017 school year to register all new and returning students. The system is a secure process, which allows each school to verify all student demographic and emergency information for your child(ren) prior to the start of the new school year.

Through the online registration process, parents/guardians will be able to register multiple students. Online Registration will also provide links to download forms and policies, directions for uploading proof of residence documents, and the ability to electronically sign particular forms that are required to complete the registration process. The online registration process will replace all of the hard copy district registration forms that were previously mailed to homes, and is expected to streamline the process.

We anticipate that the online registration process will begin the week of February 8, 2016. Once Online Registration is available, parents/guardians will receive a message through the ParentVUE portal in Synergy. The message will contain a link that connects to the 2016-2017 registration page. The link will also be available on the district and school websites under the Express Lane and will be titled “Register for School.” 

Using the online registration process, parents/guardians will be able to re-register children who are currently enrolled in a CFSD school and add a new student, if applicable. A week prior to the start of online registration, parents/guardians will receive specific instructions on how to complete the registration process.

Please note that Online Registration requires every parent/guardian who will complete the registration process to have an email address. Parents/guardians who need access to a computer or the Internet, and/or need help in completing the registration process, may contact their child’s school to make an appointment for assistance.

As this will be a new process for everyone, we ask that parents/guardians register their child(ren) and complete the online forms within the designated timeline after receiving the instructions. The registration process will not be complete until all registration items have been submitted electronically or delivered to the school. Thank you for your support as we begin a new streamlined registration process.

Kindergarten Show & Tell/ OE Open House Dates

Registration Information for Valley View ELC

Esperero News

Friday, January 15, 2016

Principal's Message 1/15/16

Dear Canyon View Families,

I hope that you all had a memorable winter break and a happy New Year!  Seeing how excited our children were to be back at school last week was a great experience for the staff, and the sounds of children’s voices and laughter once again fill our hallways and classrooms.

Over the past two weeks, we have quickly bounced back into our day-to-day routines and it’s quite apparent that many of our students look forward to the structure and predictability of the school day.  Visiting the classrooms this week, our kindergarten students were observed using a Venn diagram to compare and contrast two versions of the book, The Mitten.  It was quite rewarding to see and hear our children finding the similarities and differences b/w the various details of each story, and then providing evidence to support their claims. 

Students in 3rd grade were observed strengthening their understanding and use of Mathematical Practice #2: Reasoning Abstractly and Quantitatively when they were observed using standard multiplication equations to write contextualized word problems.  Mathematical Practice #2 is certainly an important practice to strengthen within our students as they are challenged with creating an understandable representation of a problem in either a contextualized or decontextualized manner.  This Mathematical Practice gives our teachers an accurate assessment of whether or not our students truly understand what the math “means” and how it’s represented in an authentic scenario or in an equation. 

Finally, fifth grade was observed preparing for their upcoming 5th grade science fair, which will be taking place on Thursday, February 4th.  It’s truly exciting to see all of the hours of planning, research, experimentation, data collection and analysis come together towards the end.  This year’s 5th grade science fair is going to be a memorable event for our students, staff and parents, and we are all looking forward to viewing the final projects.  

Geography Bee
Today, Canyon View once again held its annual Geography Bee competition, and we want to congratulate all of the students for the hard work and dedication they put into this extracurricular club.  Since August, these students gave up their lunch recess once a week to learn about the unique geographic features of our world, and their perseverance and effort certainly paid off!  We want to recognize and congratulate our school-level champion, Saha D. and our second place finisher, Kajtek Z. for their superior performances!  Also, we want to extend a special thank you to Mr. Dasika for dedicating his time and energy to teach our students about the world in which we live.  Thank you!
Open Houses & Tours
On Monday, February 1 and Monday, February 15 at 2 PM, Canyon View will be hosting our two Kinder Show & Tells.  Parents who have an incoming kindergarten student(s) are invited to attend one of our Open Houses to learn more about the kindergarten programs offered at Canyon View.  Please call 209-7702 to make your reservation.

Additionally, Canyon View will be hosting our next two Open Houses for prospective Open Enrollment families on Wednesday, February 3 at 8:30 AM and Monday, February 22 at 3:30 PM.  If you know of any families who are interested in learning more about what Canyon View has to offer their children, please pass this important information along to them.  To RSVP for the Open Houses, or to schedule a small group/individual tour, please call 209-7702.  As a reminder, current Open Enrollment families must reapply each year between December 1st and the end of February.  Open Enrollment applications are available online at  

Finally, on Thursday, February 11 and Thursday, March 24 at 6:00 PM, Esperero Canyon Middle School will be hosting their Open Houses for 4th and 5th grade parents and students.  ECMS is a dynamic middle school that has much to offer their students and families.  The staff at ECMS is looking forward to sharing with you their academic course offerings and extracurricular programs, and they hope to see you there!  Additional information can be found on the ECMS website:

Have a wonderful weekend!

Rob Henikman


District Spelling Bee

District Spelling Bee
January 21st 4PM
 at Sunrise Drive Elementary