Friday, September 30, 2016

Principal's Message 9/30/16

Dear Canyon View Families,

The staff at Canyon View is committed to developing and strengthening skills within our students which they can apply to their lives beyond the formal educational setting.  One of our overarching goals is to develop lifelong learners who can think critically, devise and test creative solutions to complex problems, apply focused and purposeful effort, demonstrate perseverance when faced with challenges and obstacles, and work in a collaborative manner with their peers and adults while practicing effective and appropriate communication skills. Scientists, mathematicians, social scientists, engineers, artists, and musicians (for example), all collaborate, solve problems, and share their findings or work within their professional communities, and we are dedicated to preparing our students for their future careers.

One of the many opportunities our students are given to learn how to become critical thinkers who approach situations from a problem solving manner is through our elementary Lego Robotics Program.  Throughout the 2016-2017 school year, our K-5 students will develop and strengthen their critical thinking and problem solving skills through authentic robotics challenges that promote: information and discovery, analysis and interpretation, reasoning, problem solving/solution finding, and self-regulation and reflection.

The K-5 Lego Robotics Program is a fun and engaging way to develop these lifelong skills within our students, and we understand the impact that these experiences can have on our children over the course of their lifetime.  Throughout the school year, each K-5 class will participate in a series of Lego Robotics lessons that will spark their curiosity and engage their minds.  With that being said, when it is time for your child’s classroom to attend their robotics sessions, I encourage you to sign-up for a volunteer position and find out for yourself how our Lego Robotics Program is preparing our students for college and career pathways.

Mr. Suter’s 4th grade students programing their robots and testing their calculations


Forward-Backwards class challenge…success!!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Rob Henikman