Friday, September 29, 2017

Principal's Message 9/29/17

Dear Canyon View Families,

As mentioned in the first newsletter, this year marks the third year of our five-year School Improvement Plan (SIP).  Our site-specific SIP supports Canyon View students in their journey to become college and career ready.  The strategies and action steps outlined in our SIP support the overarching District Objectives in the areas of literacy, transfer, academic mindsets, Deep Learning Proficiencies (DLP) and communication.  In this newsletter, we will focus on specific aspects of our mindset plan to give our families a better understanding of the direction we are headed in this area as a school. 


District Deep Learning Goal # 2: Raise the engagement of students so they are highly motivated to set and achieve increasingly challenging goals for deep learning.

District Objective: Develop positive academic mindsets so students are more confident learners who feel they belong to the CFSD academic community, succeed in their learning, grow their competence with effort, and find value in their work.

Rationale: Research shows that non-cognitive (or motivational) factors, also referred to as academic mindsets, have been shown to play an important role in raising academic achievement.  Positive mindsets about intelligence, social belonging, self-efficacy, and the relevance of schoolwork, as well as self-regulatory skills, have been a consistent predictor of academic success.

Classroom conditions have powerful influences on students’ mindsets and overall engagement. These conditions include the level of academic challenge and teacher expectations for success; student choice and autonomy in academic work; the clarity and relevance of learning goals; availability of supports for learning; grading structures and policies; the nature of the academic tasks students are asked to complete; the type, usefulness, and frequency of feedback; classroom norms of behavior; and level of trust and safety.

Some students bring positive academic mindsets and skills with them to school while others do not. Research shows that these mindsets and skills can be taught.

There is evidence that demonstrates the academic mindsets are interrelated (Farrington, Roderick, Allensworth, Nagaoka, Johnson, & Beechum, 2012). Students’ beliefs about their academic ability influence overall mindset development. If students are going to invest their effort and energy in school, it is important that they believe their effort will pay off. According to Farrington, et al. (2012), there is a reciprocal relationship among the mindsets, perseverance, academic behaviors, and performance.

Data Sets & Problem Statements: According to the Spring 2017 Canyon View Parent Survey, 23% of parents who completed the survey indicated that their child did not view their work as challenging and personally meaningful. This survey data led the School Improvement Team to question whether students feel the same way, or if they do find their work at school challenging and personally meaningful.

Relevant and personally meaningful learning is extremely important to us at Canyon View as research shows that when students find value in their work, motivation, engagement and achievement increase as a result (Dweck, Walton & Cohen, 2014). 

Criteria for Success: If our students find their work in school to be valuable and personally meaningful, students will communicate that:
      They apply their learning outside of the classroom
      They are lifelong learners
      It’s important to do well in school
      They find interest in what they learn
      They participate in class
      They are focused on activities in class
      They are excited about going to class

Strategy 1: All teachers will create learning experiences that are authentic and personally meaningful to their students.

Action Steps:
1.     Administer the Canyon View Relevance Mindset Survey to students in grades K-5 at the beginning and end of the school year.
2.     K-5 grade level and special areas teachers will create and implement lessons including, but not limited to, a PBL unit that support the alignment of relevance to Student Voice/Choice, Authenticity, Feedback and Revision as well as Sustained Inquiry.

At Canyon View, we are committed to providing authentic learning opportunities that directly connect to our students’ interests and experiences.  By directly connecting the content to authentic problems and real-world scenarios, our students will be engaged in deep levels of learning, and their newfound knowledge and skills can be applied to their lives both in and outside of the school setting.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Rob Henikman


Principal's Lunch 9/29

                     Principal's Lunch 9/29

Camden H.                Connor A.
Isabel S.                     Adie M.
Isabel J.                     Daniel S.
Salene K.                   Dennis L.
Bob G.                       Alexis S.
Nathaniel L.              Ben B.
Ariston E.                 Thomas G.
Jacob J.                     Brandi S.
Aidan G.                   Bianka G.
Shay P.                      Azariah W.
Kelly Jean                Kylie S.
Momoko A.              Joao A.
Jenna P.                    Luke D.
Amare T.                  Finn R. 
Diego G.


                        SPELLING BEE
Our first practice will be next Wednesday, October 4, during your child’s lunch period.  We will meet in the library to take attendance, distribute the official Word List, and get started learning how the Spelling Bee will work.  For some of the kids, this will be their first time meeting with us, so we’ll spend some time getting to know each other too.  Please make sure to remind your child that Spelling Bee club will take the entire lunch period, so they may not get any recess time on the days that we meet.  (We’ve spaced our practices out this year, so that the kids don’t have to miss their outside time quite so often!)

Here’s our practice schedule again, in case anyone needs it…

First meeting - Oct. 4
* off (Oct. 11)
Oct. 18
* off (Oct. 25)
Nov. 1
Nov. 8
Nov. 15
* two weeks off (Nov. 22 and 29)---study hard!
Dec. 6
Final Spelling Bee - Friday, December 15, 11:30 am (parents are invited to attend)
Attendance at Spelling Bee club is not required for participation in the final Spelling Bee, except for the last practice on Dec. 6.  We will need to see everyone on Dec. 6 to make sure we have a complete list of participants for the final Spelling Bee.

Please also visit the Scripps National Spelling Bee website at for more information about the spelling bee, to sign your child up for the Word Club, and to get some good study and practice tips.

Principal's Lunch 9/22

                Principal's Lunch on 9/22

Chase S. 
Dylan E.
Esai C.
Isaiah G. 
Aidan G. 
Ariston E.
Reagan S. 
Riley B.
Nathan C. 
Liam C.
Zeke S.
Kelly-Jean S. 
Karen G. 
Kloiee H. 
Chase J. 
Connor A.
Luke D.
Luke S.
Jonas O.
Joao A.
Finn R. 
Jacob D. 

Friday, September 15, 2017

Principal's Message 9/15/17

Dear Canyon View Families,

As we charge into the middle of September, many of our academic clubs and intervention, extension and enrichment offerings will be starting around campus.  This year, we are pleased to announce that we’ll again be offering the following academic enrichment opportunities for our students: Student Advisory Board (SAB), Spelling Bee, Book Club, STEAM Club, Miler’s Club, Choir, Steel Drum, Orchestra, Robotics, and Khan Academy (1-5 grades).  At Canyon View, we firmly believe in developing the well-rounded child, and we are committed to providing opportunities and programs that support this philosophy and promote deep learning.

Canyon View is also deeply committed to providing researched-based interventions for those students who need additional support.  In addition to the individualized instruction provided by the classroom teachers, Imagine Learning will once again be a Tier 2 intervention that is used at Canyon View.  Imagine Learning is a language and reading software that includes instruction in the five essential reading components:  phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.   It also has the ability to differentiate students' instruction by conducting an initial placement test to delineate a starting point for each student, regulate and sequence student instruction based on student responses, and provide informative feedback tailored to student responses.  English language support is also provided for students who need it and the support is gradually withdrawn as students progress toward language proficiency.  

Imagine Learning invitations were sent out to select students this week.  If your child received an invitation and you would like additional information regarding the program, please do not hesitate to contact the front office at 209-7700.

Finally, below are just a few images from our first STEAM Club which took place two weeks ago.  These images help to capture the type of learning experiences we are creating for our students.  STEAM Club is run entirely by parent volunteers, and it’s a fun and energizing way to get involved with our school.  If you are interested in helping out, please contact our FFO president, Renee Griffith:  Our next STEAM Club will be held on Wednesday, September 27th at 11:35AM and 3:05PM.  We hope to see you there!      

 STEAM Club students learning about the relationship between light and color

Have a wonderful weekend,

Rob Henikman
