Dear Canyon View Families,
October was a very exciting month for us at Canyon View and now it’s on to the second trimester! We want to thank everyone for attending our annual Canyon Boo celebration and making this special event such an enjoyable experience for our children. The Halloween Parade on the 31st was another fun event for our students, and it was rewarding to see all of the teachers and parents having just as much fun as our children! Thank you for everyone who volunteered your time!
Our Science Fair Kick-Off Night is coming up on Wednesday, November 12 at 6PM in the MPR. The number of participants has been steadily increasing each year and we’re anticipating another record turnout. I’m certain that our young scientists will make this year’s Science Fair the best one yet. The lessons learned when creating a science fair project extend well beyond the classroom, and sometimes an opportunity like this is all that it takes to ignite a child’s passion that will last a lifetime.
Report cards will be sent home on Friday, November 14. Teachers spend countless hours on these reports ensuring that their comments give parents detailed information regarding your child’s progress. If you have any questions regarding your child’s report card please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teachers.
Next, we are pleased to announce that Canyon View will once again participate in the Adopt-A-Family Project. Last year, our school community positively influenced the lives of over 300 people during the holiday season. We are deeply committed to this project, and we are looking forward to helping those in need. Additional information will be sent out to our families in two weeks.
Finally, as we continue to inform our community about the new District Strategic Plan-Envision21: Deep Learning, the component of the plan highlighted in this newsletter is CFSD Strategic Plan-Goal 2, which focuses on self-regulation. What does a self-regulated learner do differently than others? What are our goals for students as they learn how to self-regulate? These are important questions to consider, and below is a list of indicators that is being used to structure our work in this area:
Setting Relevant and Realistic Goal(s):
Utilize strategies to set challenging, achievable goals:
- Set goals that represent authentic, real world work in response to a genuine need or interest
- clearly define the scope of the goals and the performance expectations
Systematic and Comprehensive Plan:
Create a plan that:
• Prioritizes steps in the process
• Identifies a reasonable timeline for individual phases of the plan
• Appropriately matches tools and resources to individual phases of the plan
• Anticipates potential obstacles throughout the plan
- Apply strategies to new or different contexts to develop expertise needed to accomplish the task
- Modify existing resources or seek materials from alternative sources; use resources in a novel or innovative manner
Effective and Sustained Effort:
- Adjust strategies and effort levels appropriately for individual phases of the process
- Use challenges or obstacles as an opportunity to refine work
- Accomplish tasks efficiently
Self-monitoring and Reflection:
- Analyze patterns and prior performances to revise goals and processes.
- Self-correct throughout the process, modifying goals and work in response to ongoing reflection and feedback
Have a wonderful weekend!
Rob Henikman