Yearbook Pridelines - Deadline January 31, 2015
Dear 5th grade parents,
is time to order your child's yearbook "Pridelines"! Pridelines are
short congratulatory tributes written by you for your graduating 5th
grade student. Pridelines are for graduating 5th graders ONLY, and there is a limit of two Pridelines per student.
This year Pridelines are ordered excusively online!
Please use the following link, or find the order button in the top right corner of the CV FFO webpage:
Prideline can contain a short message (max 250 characters) and include
an uploaded picture. Each individual Prideline will be formatted and
printed in its own 1.75"x3" box.
Pridelines cost $10. On the order form you will be directed to Paypal to complete your order.
Pridelines cost $10. On the order form you will be directed to Paypal to complete your order.
Questions? Any questions can be emailed to Lynn White-Raposo at