Friday, September 16, 2016

Principal's Message

Dear Canyon View Families,

As we charge into the middle of September, many of our academic clubs and intervention, extension and enrichment offerings will be starting around campus.  This year, we are pleased to announce that we’ll again be offering the following academic enrichment opportunities for our students: Student Advisory Board (SAB), Spelling Bee, Book Club, STEAM Club, Miler’s Club, Choir, Steel Drum, Robotics, and Khan Academy (1-5 grades).  At Canyon View, we firmly believe in developing the well-rounded child, and we are committed to providing opportunities and programs that support this philosophy and promote deep learning.

Canyon View is also deeply committed to providing researched-based interventions for those students who need additional support.  In addition to the individualized instruction provided by the classroom teachers, Imagine Learning will once again be a Tier 2 intervention that is used at Canyon View.  Imagine Learning is a language and reading software that includes instruction in the five essential reading components:  phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.   It also has the ability to differentiate students' instruction by conducting an initial placement test to delineate a starting point for each student, regulate and sequence student instruction based on student responses, and provide informative feedback tailored to student responses.  English language support is also provided for students who need it and the support is gradually withdrawn as students progress toward language proficiency.  

Imagine Learning invitations will be sent out to select students next week.  If your child receives an invitation and you would like additional information regarding the program, please do not hesitate to contact the front office at 209-7700.

New this year, I will be sharing via Canyon Views some of the classroom highlights from the past two weeks to give our parents a sample of the variety of learning experiences that our children are engaged in throughout the school day.  Pictures speak a thousand words, and this will hopefully serve as a conversation starter with your child about what they are currently experiencing within their classroom and throughout Canyon View.

Mrs. Wiltbank’s students formally presented their 5th grade buddies from Mrs. Clark’s classroom with Kindness Coins signifying their commitment to treating others with kindness and respect.  Each child was able to practice their speaking and presentation skills as their handmade Kindness Coins were given to their buddies.  Character counts!

Ms. Newton’s students are strengthening their critical thinking and creativity and innovation skills by using backwards design to create problems and questions that represent a pre-determined solution.  How would you respond to the following: The answer 42, what is the question?

STEAM Club kicked off this Thursday and our students were engaged in creating hoop gliders, and then testing their designs and measuring for distance.  After each test flight, students were given the opportunity to make adjustments to their design to improve the flight path and distance.  Measurements were recorded and compared to determine effectiveness of design.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Rob Henikman