Friday, October 10, 2014

Principal's Message

Dear Canyon View Parents, 

As we continue to inform our community about the new District Strategic Plan-Envision21: Deep Learning, the component of the plan highlighted in this newsletter is CFSD Strategic Plan-Goal 2, which focuses on citizenship.

Developing responsible citizens has been a longstanding priority for schools around the world.  At Canyon View, our core values center around the Six Pillars of Character where we teach our students to consistently demonstrate trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. 

Citizenship takes on many forms.  It is our commitment to extend citizenship beyond the classroom and local community to include a more global perspective and prepare our children to deal with the challenges of today’s increasingly interconnected and interdependent world.

We will help develop global citizens by:

  • Encouraging our children to analyze real-life issues critically and to identify possible solutions creatively and innovatively.
  • Teaching our children to examine the roots and causes of events and developments at the local level, consider the connections with the global level, and identify possible solutions.
  • Support learners to revisit assumptions, worldviews, and learn about various cultures and their global perspectives.
  • Focus on engagement in individual and collective action to bring about desired changes.
  • Involve multiple stakeholders, including those outside the learning environment, in the community and in wider society.

As a school, and as a district, we feel it is important to reach learners in the early stages of their social and affective development. Our children play a particularly important role in global citizenship education, and they need to be acknowledged and supported not only as learners, but also as educators, advocates and leaders.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Rob Henikman